Thursday, March 5, 2009


The other day I wandered into the WILK-it must have been the second time all semester-to get my new handy-dandy photo identification card. Firstly, why do all ID card photos (drivers license, school IDs, gym passes, etc) end up looking like a mug shot straight out of a western WANTED AD? I digress.... I stepped into the bathroom before to make sure I didn't look too horrifying to break the camera. Upon my entrance I was surrounded by automatic dispensers...ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!

At the toilet... I stuck out my hand to receive a perfectly portioned bit of toilet paper

The toilet flushed for me

At the sink...Not only did the water turn on magically when I stuck my hand under the faucet, but a dollop of soap was dropped into my palm as well.

Drying my hands... I just had to place my hands down this crevice and air blew drier than a desert in the summer.

I half expected the door to open for me when I went to leave. When did all this stuff happen? I understand the dryer and others...but the TOILET PAPER?!?! Thank you but I consider myself of age to use an appropriate amount of paper to not clog the toilet. Oh, the soap too.
I felt like I came straight out of WALL-E You had it all right Disney. Look at us America. Just look at us...
Is all this convenient technology making us lazy?
I will say I did kind of enjoy it though...after I got past the weirdness of it all.


sammysangel said...

thats absolutly CRAZY

Anonymous said...

Um automatic tooth brushes!
Being able to open your car at the push of a button.
Lights that turn off and on when you clap!

That's funny because I was talking about the same thing the other night. Saying how lazy we all were.

I didn't know they did all those changes to the wilk tho..

Adri and Russ Lee said...

wow. I need to go check that out. It's like a spa bathroom experience!

Abigail said...

yeah...the toilet paper thing really kind of creeped me out